October 18, 2023
November 7, 2023A PATH TO LESS STRESS
Life is full of ups and downs. Some days run smoothly while others are filled with stress and heavy emotions that can weigh us down. And while you can’t always control your environment, you can support how your body responds.
Just as the seasons change, your body is constantly being reborn. Every day throughout your life, your body changes. These changes reflect your habits, practices, and even your thoughts and emotions. Being aware of, accepting and exploring these changes is an opportunity for growth… an opportunity to discover what each new version of yourself has to offer.
As your body changes each day, so should your approach to practicing yoga. Because each body is unique, there is no one perfect yoga practice for all bodies. The perfect practice for you is one that supports and nourishes your body just as it is; the practice that allows you to grow and evolve.
The practice of authentic yoga helps you nourish and support your body in many and different ways as it changes through daily, nightly and myriad seasons of life.
The spiritual being that you are is absolutely perfect, but when you identify with your body and ego, its expression becomes distorted. The practice of authentic Yoga teaches us to know the divine nature in ourselves and in others. Through yogic meditative awareness, we embrace our human imperfections and come to know the divine being that we are.
Yoga consists of the actual methods for rising above our narrow identification with the body and restless mind, and identifying ourselves with the calm immortal presence. Because yoga satisfies a universal need, it has a natural universal appeal. Its practices are not meant only for certain types of bodies and temperaments, such as for those people who are fit and healthy or for those who are inclined towards monastic life.
The science of yoga identifies universal truths which are the basis of religion, and common to all living beings, and teaches how, by their practical application, people can build their lives according to the divine plan. India’s priceless contribution to the world, discovered anciently by her sages, rishis, is the science of yoga, ‘divine union’ by which the divine can be known, not as a theological concept, but as an actual personal experience.
The practice of Raja Yoga, the ‘royal path’, supersedes the orthodoxy of religion by systematically setting forth the practice of those methods that are universally necessary for the perfection of every individual, regardless of race or creed. It calms anxiety and stress, and provides a reset to your nervous system. You learn how to build your life around spiritual ideals that are not based solely upon belief, but arise from practice, reflection and experimentation. You are able to sooth worry by working with your mind and emotions even when you’re being pulled in lots of directions.
The search for Truth is the most marvelous search in the world. There is no turning back once you start the energy moving in the direction of your intended life.
Wishing you unlimited spiritual abundance.