August 10, 2023
August 23, 2023For so many people,
some of their spiritual experiences and insights
have emerged
while listening to music,
singing or dancing,
reading prose or poetry,
watching movies,
or seeing some incredible performance
that pierces their defences…
Words, notes and images
imbued with Presence, Consciousness and Truth
have the power to touch us deeply,
at our core,
even heal and transform us.
They can remind us of who we are.
They can show us the way home.
And they can leave us feeling
more connected with life,
towards our feelings,
and humanity itself.
True art is spiritual in nature and essence.
I am convinced that the highest potential of art
is to spiritually awaken the reader, viewer or listener
… to beauty, love, truth,
and the miracle of being alive.
“All true artists, whether they know it or not,
create from a place of no-mind,
from inner stillness.”
– Eckhart Tolle
This is why I write.
But, is it really ‘me’?
Creating from inner stillness,
From the sacred place
where the meditation cushion
meets art and creativity,
there is no creative person,
and ultimately ‘I’ am not the one who creates.
l merely act as a conduit.
Although I have authored several books,
I don’t see myself as a writer
… or even a teacher for that matter…
My experience?
I simply stay present
and let inspiration flow through
from a place of inner stillness and presence,
and welcome what wants to emerge.
Something emerges out of nothing.
This is the miracle of creation itself.
Over the years I’ve learnt to surrender to
this mysterious process of creativity and trust it.
I don’t know if my work is the best it can be.
I don’t know how it compares with other peoples’ work.
I just know that it comes from a place
of Truth and authenticity within,
where I can see what I see,
share what I see,
and thus let myself be seen.