You make hundreds of decisions every day. Some matter more than others. But taking this advice to heart could be one of the most important decisions you will ever make in terms of your life’s success. Because there is one super important habit that stands out above the rest.
The most important thing you can do is to find someone good, positive, optimistic and loving to spend your life with.Think, dream and fantasise about the right person you would like to be with. Be with that person. Be good to them. Be inspiring. And, when you find them, stay with them, remain fiercely loyal, because you’ve struck gold. This is the only career and life advice you’ll ever need.
Now, back to reality…
If you can’t find one person, then spend time with the people and situations that you can learn from…people who inspire you to be a better person. Die happy knowing that you have surrounded yourself with good, inspiring people.
Could there possibly be a better alternative to this advice?
What possible downside would following this advice bring to your life?
When you are unsure, frequently ask yourself “Does this person or situation inspire me to be a better person?”
Some people or situations might be good, but just not good for you. It’s a relative thing.
Nevertheless, you will find that whenever you follow this advice, your life will get bigger, better and more dharmic (purposeful) very quickly. However, whenever you won’t be following it, you will pay the price through a loss of energy, unnecessary dramas and other forms of pain or inconvenience.
If you are not with ‘the one’ but are ‘looking’ then aim to learn at least one thing from each person you are around. Look for one takeaway that takes your breath away.
If you go to a meeting, dinner, event, or are on a date and can’t get one meaningful takeaway that makes you a better person, then you’ve wasted whatever amount of time you were in their presence. You would have wasted that encounter.
However, most importantly, if you’re ever wondering what you want to be when you grow up…be the type of person who inspires others to think bigger, act bolder and who never settles for anything less than their excellence.
Everything counts.
Hope this blog has put a smile on your face and given a little pep to your step.
To find out more about how to be the person who lives with conscious intentionality, initiates actions that aligns with your core values, and cultivates relational intelligence, attend the retreat Training the Mind in Relational Intelligence.