May 15, 2019
New massage therapists
August 18, 2019Shanti & Peter Gowans move to Nirvana
Having sold our home in Paradise Waters, we are now residing at Nirvana Wellness Retreat Sanctuary, in Beechmont, S.E. Queensland. My personal philosophy is ‘bloom where you are planted’…. away from the hustle and bustle of the rat race, simply surrounded by nature, this is real quality of life.
In usual circumstances, the packing-up phase allows for sorting and decluttering, with the meticulous consideration of each object or piece of furniture to determine if it will fit into the new home or lifestyle. Letting go of things to family and friends, donating to charity, recycling stores, or church organisations are all part of the process… dreaming about the ideal world. In the real world, however, we had a 14-day settlement period which was extremely rushed, especially as I was running the ‘Exceptional Wellbeing Detox Retreat – ‘Where science meets consciousness’ at Nirvana.
Peter was his usual 11th-hour miracle man, in his element, even though he bore the brunt of packing and moving. However, with time constraints, everything was simply moved from Viking Court – and dumped, wherever there was floor space at Nirvana. While at the retreat Christine and those present were extremely helpful in re-organising some space for the next load to arrive, and the next, and then some more! Margot and Sonja were trojans with their furniture moving skills. We witnessed an unprecedented level of strength going forward in all our sacred matters. The genesis of the large cardboard boxes which originally came from Melbourne are a testimony to recycling for over four decades! Filled with books and other heavy items, they have seen better days, and seem to be falling apart as I touch them. This makes it difficult for me to move them and has slowed down the sorting process, as I wait for Peter’s or Darren’s help. Thank you all for your help, offers of help, and support.
The other aspect of moving is that you come into empty spaces. Not so with this move! Yet, as I look around, I feel a sense of reprieve – fortunately, we are not downsizing and I am surrounded by the things we love and am pleased that more people will get to share in this enjoyment too. Moving in is not the same as settling in!
As things get sorted and organised, I hope you will join me for a retreat at Nirvana, where we can all enjoy some of the beautiful things in life with each other: clean air, spring water, a sense of spaciousness, sunshine, panoramic views, the greenery, chickens, other wildlife, our farm and the earth herself at Nirvana.