The Art and Science of Meditation – Part 3
November 14, 2017
Continuing Professional Development
November 14, 2017The Art and Science of Meditation, Part 4
Meditation Master’s Course
Part lV: THE … PATH
- Eternal values for a changing society: From confusion to awakening
- Distinguishing consciousness from wisdom
- One river, many wells: The profound inner reality
- Consciousness, wisdom and buddha nature
- Embodied Presence
- Enlightened wisdom, the essential nature of mundane consciousness
- Enlightened leadership. Teachings on enlightened leadership to face the world’s challenges.
- The Heart Sutra – the wisdom at the heart of everything
- The Diamond Sutra – indestructible purity and the path of purification
- Mahamudra – the great seal
- Vipassana – insight meditation
- Mantra: Sacred Sounds of Power. Creating the vibration for optimal success and happiness.
- Vibration: the Essence of the Universe. Entrainment with vibrations for optimal success and happiness.
- Emotions, Prana and the Energy Body
- Chakras – power centres of a complex energetic database
- Raising Energy, Raising Consciousness – Kundalini Shakti
- The path of fire, light, sound and paranormal powers
- The Seven stages of psychospiritual growth through Yoga
- The road to Nirvana
- Maha Mudra and developing the witnessing consciousness – a silent mind doesn’t ask anything at all.
- 2 years of regular meditation practice.
- Completion of The Art and Science of Meditation – Part 3 THE HEALING PATH.
- Basic computer literacy
- An email address
The program is cyclic. Participants can start the program anywhere during the designated program dates, and must continue in sequential order for best regularity of practice robustness, deepening and intensity.