22nd September – 1st October 2023
This retreat is a profound gift to yourself.
It is an invitation to fully experience yourself,
the light and the dark,
the comfortable and uncomfortable parts,
an invitation to stop running away from life
and integrate everything you understand.
It is a chance to dive deeply
into life’s heart-opening message,
surrounded by peaceful nature,
nourished by good food,
supported in a safe and nurturing environment
with like-minded friends.
Through wonderful Ayurvedic lectures,
guided meditations and discourses,
silence, healing yoga and so much more,
this retreat experience will help you
with your discomfort, pain,
health challenges, and bodily contractions,
through the deep wisdom of Vedic science,
courage, presence, healing, and grace.
Turn towards your joy, your bliss, your pain and your sorrow,
and embrace what arises with loving arms.
Discover who you are, and why you are what you are.
Rest from the exhaustion of modern living
and experience what is truly alive within you.
Turn towards your innate nature,
and find true sanctuary within all that you are
no matter what life brings you.
Wake up to the miracle of being alive
and live healthier longer.