Certified Meditation Teacher Training
Peace on Earth through peace of mind and hearts. The Opportunity. The Transformation. The Ownership Experience. The Meaningful Life.
Are you seeking a life infused with more creativity and inner peace? Would you like to enhance your personal meditation practice? And make your work in the world more meaningful? Do you love the peace that meditation brings? Do you want to share it with others?
Create the life you crave. Cultivate meditative absorption, unchanging realisation, emanating and gathering essence, which are the stakes that bind the life force. With the additional assistance of personal guidance and sound direction to effectively address your issues, you learn to orchestrate happiness and abundance in your personal and professional life.

Certified Meditation Teacher
DURATION: 4 x 10 month intensive (200 hours each)
FEE: $6,500
per certification / part
Meditation for Health, Wellbeing and Self Care: Finding Peace in your Everyday Life.
Meditation that facilitates personal and emotional development, Archarya
Finding Peace in the World
The powerful journey of self transformation and the art of healing and expanding consciousness in health care, Vaidya
Making Peace with Yourself and Others.
Meditation Masters Training, Maharishi
Facilitating Meditation practice with others
Each part is fully residential, and consists of 200 hours of face-to-face study and practice. This is conducted during five weekend, residential retreats, from Friday evening to Sunday after lunch, held every 2nd month, and one 10-day residential retreat over Easter.
The Art and Science of Meditation provides an extraordinary opportunity to transform the debilitating energy of anger, fear, jealousy, expectation and disappointment into a powerful and beneficial force. This is a role that requires spiritual maturity on the part of the trainee. You are asked to dedicate yourself to upholding and embodying the wisdom, gentleness, trustworthiness and decorum of the Shanti Yoga tradition. You have to manifest as a 'beakon' in the world. Your study and practice must be viewed as an important step on the path of being a strong beacon of wholesomeness and integrity.
Health Institute Australasia
*Please be aware this course is NOT government accredited or CRICOS approved, so you will not be eligible for Austudy or a student visa.
** See also Terms and Conditions for Short / Non-accredited Course Enrolment
This professional certification program offers a high degree of specialised training in the skills, knowledge and practice necessary to teach a powerful meditation program that anyone can learn. You can become the inspirational teacher, effective educator and trusted mentor, who teaches scientifically proven, time-tested meditation. With this training you can help your students, family, clients and patients discover newfound strength, creativity, inner peace, and greater well-being in their everyday lives.
Each of the four certification parts within the Certified Meditation Trainer Program include 200 hours of deep practice and study. During each of the parts you will spend a weekend (five in total for each part), every other month and 10 days over Easter, immersed in meditation retreats at our 70-acre Nirvana Wellness Sanctuary. These will form the bedrock of your intensive practice together with you daily practice of simple, easy, every day meditation. Togerther they will equip you to sow the seeds of peace throughout your community. Practice teaching is mentored by Shanti Gowans.
The program provides a sound direction for simple, sustainable yet transformative meditation, whereby everything in life is a 'go to' for spirituality, and where you will learn to find your answers - for the mundane as much as for the meaningful. It offers the world's most effective holistic mind-body practices in a system that unites the inherent healing power of the mind, body and spirit in a way that will positively impact every aspect of your life, boost your immune system and end stress.
It's a personal transformational program whereby you can turn your life around 180 degrees for the better. Meditation makes you feel calm, yet energises. You cast off unnecessary baggage, eliminate struggle, activate your inner strength, and realise your aspirations. You sleep better and experience freedom and happiness. This course will be a pivotal moment in your life.
Our rationale for this training is based on the knowledge that everyone has the innate capacity for Self-realisation, and for enhancing their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well-being through the deepening practices of Meditation. Integral wisdom of the East and West, with flavours from the spiritual teachings of the Vedas, Tantras, Buddhism, Jainism, Raja, Jnana, Karma and Bhakti Yoga enhance this perspective.
Important supplementary components include: integrating the healing of gentle yoga, nutrition, breath work, the company of like-minded people, spaciousness and nature. The marriage of wisdom and compassion takes place through the practice of meditation, hearing and study, reflection and critical analysis.
If you’ve had glimpses of that kind of connectedness and transcendence, then you probably yearn more than ever to live a fully awakened life. But if you’re like most people in the modern world, other 'things' always seem to be getting in the way of you actually having time to focus on your practice consistently, even though you know how important it is. Whether it’s your job, your romantic relationship, your children, your friends, your hobbies, or simply dealing with any of life’s countless little challenges, in one way or another, you always seem to be getting blocked, sabotaged, or led astray from your intention to practice. That’s why we're so glad to be able to offer you today powerful, inspiring, and life-affirming dedicated practice time with meditation master and visionary, Shanti Gowans.
You will embark upon very specific training. First you will incorporate breathing and relaxation to learn how to observe your thoughts, and use the breath to relax your mind and body thoroughly. You'll begin to see positive, measurable results from the very first step. From this point of stillness you begin open your heart and emotions and befriend your ego. Guided meditation and inspirational teachings assist you to transform the patterns in your thoughts, emotions and state of mind as profound changes begin to take hold. With the mastery of deep contemplative practice, you will also notice yourself mastering life skills and challenges.
Meditation for Health, Wellbeing and Self Care: Finding Peace in your Everyday Life.
Meditation that facilitates personal and emotional development, Archarya
Finding Peace in the World
The powerful journey of self transformation and the art of healing and expanding consciousness in health care, Vaidya
Making Peace with Yourself and Others.
Meditation Masters Training, Maharishi
Facilitating Meditation practice with others
Upon completion of the program, you will receive course follow-up resource materials. These informative and easy to follow manuals consist of practical, helpful material for participants who have attended the course to create a plan for facilitating meditation sessions. Available in PDF or print format.
Learn to Meditate Program to help you facilitate your own meditation sessions.
Journey into the Light Personal development course
Each of the four certification parts within the Certified Meditation Trainer Program include 200 hours of deep practice and study. During each of the parts you will spend a weekend (five in total for each part), every other month and 10 days over Easter, immersed in meditation retreats at our 70-acre Nirvana Wellness Sanctuary. These will form the bedrock of your intensive practice together with you daily practice of simple, easy, every day meditation. Togerther they will equip you to sow the seeds of peace throughout your community. Practice teaching is mentored by Shanti Gowans.
The program provides a sound direction for simple, sustainable yet transformative meditation, whereby everything in life is a 'go to' for spirituality, and where you will learn to find your answers - for the mundane as much as for the meaningful. It offers the world's most effective holistic mind-body practices in a system that unites the inherent healing power of the mind, body and spirit in a way that will positively impact every aspect of your life, boost your immune system and end stress.
It's a personal transformational program whereby you can turn your life around 180 degrees for the better. Meditation makes you feel calm, yet energises. You cast off unnecessary baggage, eliminate struggle, activate your inner strength, and realise your aspirations. You sleep better and experience freedom and happiness. This course will be a pivotal moment in your life.
Our rationale for this training is based on the knowledge that everyone has the innate capacity for Self-realisation, and for enhancing their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well-being through the deepening practices of Meditation. Integral wisdom of the East and West, with flavours from the spiritual teachings of the Vedas, Tantras, Buddhism, Jainism, Raja, Jnana, Karma and Bhakti Yoga enhance this perspective.
Important supplementary components include: integrating the healing of gentle yoga, nutrition, breath work, the company of like-minded people, spaciousness and nature. The marriage of wisdom and compassion takes place through the practice of meditation, hearing and study, reflection and critical analysis.
Training Path Outline
If you’ve been on a spiritual search in your life at all, you probably know how important regular spiritual practice is for true transformation. Aristotle said it simply over 2,300 years ago: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Thus, beyond spiritual ideas and experiences, the one thing that is essential for our personal and collective evolution is an authentic transformative practice. This allows you to truly be able to taste the fruits of spirituality in your daily life, and to transcend your ego.If you’ve had glimpses of that kind of connectedness and transcendence, then you probably yearn more than ever to live a fully awakened life. But if you’re like most people in the modern world, other 'things' always seem to be getting in the way of you actually having time to focus on your practice consistently, even though you know how important it is. Whether it’s your job, your romantic relationship, your children, your friends, your hobbies, or simply dealing with any of life’s countless little challenges, in one way or another, you always seem to be getting blocked, sabotaged, or led astray from your intention to practice. That’s why we're so glad to be able to offer you today powerful, inspiring, and life-affirming dedicated practice time with meditation master and visionary, Shanti Gowans.
You will embark upon very specific training. First you will incorporate breathing and relaxation to learn how to observe your thoughts, and use the breath to relax your mind and body thoroughly. You'll begin to see positive, measurable results from the very first step. From this point of stillness you begin open your heart and emotions and befriend your ego. Guided meditation and inspirational teachings assist you to transform the patterns in your thoughts, emotions and state of mind as profound changes begin to take hold. With the mastery of deep contemplative practice, you will also notice yourself mastering life skills and challenges.
Program Components
The Course includes face-to-face instruction, mentored, supervised meditation practice, and related activities. 20 hours per weekend (Friday- Sun) is allocated towards course hours.Part l: THE AWAKENING PATH
Meditation for Health, Wellbeing and Self Care: Finding Peace in your Everyday Life.
Meditation that facilitates personal and emotional development, Archarya
Finding Peace in the World
The powerful journey of self transformation and the art of healing and expanding consciousness in health care, Vaidya
Making Peace with Yourself and Others.
Meditation Masters Training, Maharishi
Facilitating Meditation practice with others
- Meditation. Systematic procedure and practice whereby you learn to diminish distractions, train in one-pointed attention, use meditation skills throughout the day and build focus, fearlessness and strength.
- Deep, conscious breathing to help your body deal with stressful times
- Mindfulness practices
- Heart centred meditation
- Self-inquiry practices
- Body and breath awareness
- Mantra meditation
- Loving kindness meditation
- Gratitude meditation
- Vedic Science, Yoga Science and Buddhist Psychology. Discourses on how the mind/mind-body functions for optimal health. The power of the present moment. Building and healing relationships.
- Breathing. Mindful breathing, complete three-part yogic breath and your life force, prana.
- Easy, gentle yoga. Yoga stretches and exercises for muscles, joints, glands and internal organs.
- Deep, conscious relaxation, nidra, for stress reduction.
- Mantra and sacred sounds to create the vibration for optimal success and happiness.
- Mind/Body Care. Lectures and talks incorporating Ayurveda, the science of life, integrating spiritual beliefs and creating a therapeutic plan.
- Dharma Art
- Gourmet Vegetarian Meals. The best tasting, freshest food you've ever had. Every day you'll enjoy a complete menu of delicious, gourmet Ayurvedic vegetarian food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- Accommodation. Twin-share. Rooms are fully furnished and decorated. For upgrade to single room accommodation, a surcharge is applicable.
- Silence. Approximately 50% of the retreats require silence.
Recommended Program Material for your study and practice
READING- An Easy Guide to Meditation by Shanti Gowans
- Bhagavad Gita by Shanti Gowans
- Breathe for Health by Shanti Gowans
- Inner Peace Handbook by Shanti Gowans
- Meditate - Discover the art and science of meditation for Health, Wellbeing and Self Care
- Meditation by the monks of the Ramakrishna Order
- Mindfulness Meditation and the Art of Being by Shanti Gowans
- Practising Peace by Shanti Gowans
- Reflections of a Yogi by Shanti Gowans
- Sitting beyond Thinking by Shanti Gowans
- The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda
- The Long Search for Meaning by Shanti Gowans
- The Upanishads translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester/Christopher Isherwood
- The Way to Love. Anthony De Mello
- The Yoga Sutras by Shanti Gowans
- Breathe for Health Practice CD by Shanti Gowans
- Deep Relaxation and Self Healing. 2 CDs. by Shanti Gowans
- Guided Meditations on Mindfulness. 2 CD course by Shanti Gowans
- Guided Practices to Calm the Mind and Discover Inner Peace. 4 CDs by Shanti Gowans
- Origins, Yearnings Destiny by Shanti Gowans
- Samadhi by Shanti Gowans
- Vipassana - guided practice by Shanti Gowans
- Who am I? by Shanti Gowans
Upon completion of the program, you will receive course follow-up resource materials. These informative and easy to follow manuals consist of practical, helpful material for participants who have attended the course to create a plan for facilitating meditation sessions. Available in PDF or print format.
Learn to Meditate Program to help you facilitate your own meditation sessions.
Journey into the Light Personal development course
Meditation is the practice of direct awakening.
The stress of modern living is ever increasing. There seems to be so much pressure on us, even when we're doing things that are supposed to be fun, such as leisure activities and sports. Additionally, the cost of living is skyrocketing. This is piling on debt, insecurity and stress on so many of us. This kind of stress can have many negative health consequences, including an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, because when we experience stress, the body thinks it's coming from something that poses a threat to our survival, thus it releases the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. The problem is that our bodies are designed for stresses that pass quickly. Then we release DHEA which helps us recover. But with financial stress, anxiety, isolation, worry and stress that is constant and chronic, stress goes on and on, and unless you do something about it, it doesn't go away. This means that you need something to help with the stress first, so that you can cope with the financial stress and other issues with a clear mind. Your mind plays an important part. You mental attitude will protect you. Studies show that what you choose to do about stress can also help you live longer and stay disease-free. It is no wonder then, that we seek a life infused with more creativity and inner peace.Meditation is a path to freedom from suffering that originates in the addictive quality of the mind and our habitual tendency to grasp at pleasure and push away pain. All addictions stem from these roots. The Pure Shanti meditation path offers a spiritual and psychological process of transformation that has proven to be an effective treatment for our human addiction to thinking and the suffering created with the mind. It is one of the most potent tools available for recovering our original wholeness, or God space, the Atman/Brahman project, our Buddha nature. It's all the play of Consciousness. Life itself is the play of consciousness. Consciousness, not matter, is the raw material of the universe. To embrace consciousness fully, is to enable yourself to find fulfilment. The degree of fulfilment you have in your life is an exact match to the amount of consciousness you can access. When you raise and expand your consciousness, then you increase your fulfilment.
Raising consciousness awakens the most marvellous higher faculties of your mind, and your life will respond accordingly. Human life presents an opportunity to have something to do, a mission to fulfil. The measure in which we avoid doing something with our lives is matched in the same degree by a feeling of emptiness. Satisfaction arises from dedicating ourselves to something and doing the best we can to succeed at that choice. If you have this attitude and dedicate yourself to something, then you will increase your consciousness.
So often, with shorter class series, there comes a point where the training offered can exceed the meditation skills of the student, and the instruction becomes a seed for later exploration. This is it. With these ten-month intensives, the meditator will be able to develop the skills needed to directly experience the insight offered as we move through the curriculum. Discover how you can awaken, deepen, raise your consciousness, heal and teach meditation and mindfulness in schools, corporate settings and health centres. Whether you already have an extablished practice or are just beginning, you can benefit. This professional certification program offers a high degree of specialised training in the skills, knowledge and practice necessary to teach a powerful meditation program that anyone can learn.