February 28, 2016 February 28, 2016Categories AYURVEDAOsteoporosis and AyurvedaBone is a dynamic living tissue. it is constantly being broken down and rebuilt, a process known as remodelling. Peak […]
July 1, 2015 July 1, 2015Categories AYURVEDAAyurvedic Skin Type TestPlease supply your name and email address, and answer the following questions to help us determine your skin […]
April 6, 2015 April 6, 2015Categories AYURVEDAAyurvedic FacialsMost people don’t really mind growing older (it’s better than being dead). It’s looking older they dread most. – […]
February 1, 2012 February 1, 2012Categories AYURVEDAVata, Pitta, Kapha, the tridoshasVata, Pitta, Kapha, the tridoshas Biological, functional and structural components in the Ayurvedic body The five basic elements […]