Your Educational Qualifications
March 19, 2019
May 15, 2019In this rapidly changing response and management to COVID-19, our practitioners and consultants are still able to continue working from our Southport Centre and Gold Coast Retreat, offering services in our disciplines.
Health Assessments: Nutritional & Lifestyle Consultation
Ayurveda is a natural, safe, holistic, non-invasive and cost-effective. Digestive health and wellness have been Ayurveda’s specialty for 5,000 years. Shanti Yoga-Health Institute Australasia and Nirvana Wellness Retreat’s clinics have helped thousands of clients discover the cause behind issues such as digestive and bowel health, fatigue, insomnia, bad backs, stress and gain a better understanding of health problems such as allergies, weight gain, skin and hair and so much more.
Your body is a marvellous self-healing organism. It contains the knowledge of how to function properly and bring itself back into balance. A good healer will empower you in your own self-healing rather than create a dependency on their healing work.
Your job is to support your own self-healing by aligning yourself with natural healing food and energy. A healer may help bring you into alignment, but it is ultimately up to you to integrate and sustain the results of this healing.
Being able to reach out and receive help is crucial to healing, but equally important is the ability to follow through with good self-care. In the long run, developing and exercising your ability to self-heal will bring the most lasting and significant changes. This could add more years to your life. It could improve your health, body, work, success.
When was the last time you talked with someone about your health and received the personal attention you deserve? Research shows that diet is a better predictor of health and longevity than genes. It is fortunate but rare for anyone to get an hour to work on their holistic nutrition and goals with a trained professional. Here, at Health Institute Australasia we create a supportive environment that will enable you to achieve all of your health goals.
Begin your journey to health with an initial consultation that will cover your full medical history, diet, lifestyle, and personal goals. We aim to bring the body into balance so that it can take charge of its own healing process.
Listening. Questioning. Understanding is the practitioner’s mantra.
It represents the golden method we use when working with you.
We believe we must:
- spend time to engage and understand your concerns and desires for the present and the future.
- ask questions to establish a shared understanding.
This is the best way to achieve the optimum result which we are convinced you will achieve and enjoy and benefit from.
During your consultation
The core clinical imbalances that underlie a person with a disease or a condition is examined, looking beyond signs and symptoms to a deeper understanding of the functionality of each person’s unique metabolism.
Your menu plan, detox and supplementation program will be designed based on your body’s specific needs and nutritional requirements. You will receive optimum nutritional advice and supplements to achieve your best life and performances.
Profound Healing. Sustainable Wellbeing: Rethink the Science of Nutrition
Most approaches to nutrition dwell on calories, carbs, fats, proteins. Yet the one diet does not work for everyone.
We have studied all the major dietary theories and use practical lifestyle coaching methods to guide you to discover which approach works best for you, including the food and lifestyle choices that best support you. We will also help you to make gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your current and future health goals.
With Ayurveda, you will explore the holistic nature of nutrition and all of life, through taste, energetics, post-digestive effects, guided meditation, imagery and small group activities.
Weight loss does not have to be an impossible aspiration. Weight loss does not necessarily mean residing a lifetime of food items deprivation. Losing weight can be done by simply producing wiser alternatives and by working on your appetite, digestion, metabolism and elimination. When you make basic alterations over a duration of time, you will find yourself moving towards perfect health and weight.
Let us help you with an unsurpassed, integrated approach to cleansing your body. Detoxification is a natural body process that is compromised when a person’s system becomes overloaded. Instead of creating lists of restrictions and good and bad foods, we coach you to create a happy, healthy life in a way that is flexible, fun and free of denial and yet involves self-discipline.
We help you improve:-
- wind disorders, and common digestive conditions, including IBS and IBD
- the body’s release of long-held tension and chronic pain, including headache, migraine and structural pain, including lower back pain, frozen shoulder and joint pain
- and release excessive heat,
- skin disorders
- your weight management and issues
- detoxification and support tissue rejuvenation
- immune system function, reduce infection and viral load
- to decreased inflammation
- improve stress management and change sleeplessness and insomnia
- resolve side-effects created by trauma/chemotherapeutic drugs/pain/irradiation
Our Ayurvedic Nutrition and Digestion Clinic provides simple and easy to understand guidance.
You will be given a basic introduction and information about:-
- incredible life-changing insights into healing your digestion
- a comparison of Ayurvedic and western strategies;
- related symptoms and causes from the Ayurvedic perspective,
- how to overcome digestive problems and improve your digestive fire;
- foods, nutrition, diet, digestive aids, herbs and supplements and lifestyle therapies to select that will
- strengthen your body’s ability for prevention
- restore balance and
- assist your body fight and prevent disease;
- natural home remedies and simple tips and advice, such as learning to listen to your body’s signs and signals to improve your health and wellness and prevent illness;
- – and a thorough guide to help you learn your path to self-healing.
One conversation could change your life
Schedule a consultation with us today. Call (07) 5531-0511
Shanti Gowans is a recognised Medibank-accredited (1467831T) and other Health fund provider. Eligible members are able to claim benefits for the Ayurvedic naturopathy services of Shanti Gowans from her location at Scarborough Street, Southport.
Private Sessions
Our goals are to promote, nurture and maintain good health. We provide both wellness care for health-conscious individuals to help reduce sickness, and integrative healthcare for individuals suffering from many illnesses, including stress and pain-related illness. Our integrative medicine programs rejuvenate the body and increase your energy levels, strengthening the vital force and immune system.
Programs complement each other and can be taken together or separately, to give you the knowledge and skills needed to create and live a healthy, balanced and vibrant life.
Our Ayurvedic health practitioners assist individuals in promoting long, healthy, balanced and active lifestyles. They engage in their own unyielding pursuit to develop and teach change-work strategies that break through conventional limits. Beyond which they endeavour to share in interpersonal communication and self-development with those who are passionate about igniting personal change.
We aim to improve the world, one person at a time, by teaching skills and concepts, providing products and building meaningful relationships that support both personal and professional fulfilment and enrich the lives of those we serve.
Our operation is built upon integrity, respect and a firm commitment to provide you with the highest quality of service.
Ayurvedic Nutritional & Lifestyle Advice
Eat Better, Breathe Better, Live Better
Ayurvedic lifestyle one-to-one consultations address your overall health, nutritional and lifestyle needs, and offer empowering tools to create and maintain the nutritional program that best supports your unique body type in harmony with the rhythms of nature. You could be advised to creatively address your lifestyle i.e. your physical, mental and emotional well-being through body-centered practices, meditation and dialogue.
A nutrition session that will really help you
Many people have been vegetarian for many years and believe they know how to eat, since they already eat whole, organic foods. Our Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant will look at what you are eating nutritionally and ask you if you can make some small changes. After four days following these recommendations, you will feel a thousand times better. The food at the Shanti Yoga health Institute and Nirvana Wellness retreat is terrific. You will be eating the right foods for your body, and you will feel satisfied – never desperately waiting for the next meal. Also recommended are the practice of mindful eating and eating more slowly, which makes a huge difference. You will feel such a happy person, at peace with things.
Change your life through daily and seasonal living: Dinācāryra, Ratricharya, Ritucharya
The ancient texts of Ayurveda outline specific, healthy, daily and seasonal routines for your constitutional type. Ayurveda can offer profound potentials to heal your life, relationships and ills, including lifelong tendencies that cause physical and/or emotional discomfort. Ayurvedic classics place special emphasis on the importance of a morning routine, and give specific instructions relating to each sense organ. The sense organs relate to the channel system of the mind, known as the manovahasrotas. When you learn to purify this system with these effective practices, your mind and body are renewed and made even more powerful, and stubborn patterns changed. Learn simple ways to purify this channel system each morning, and thereby facilitate deep change in your life.
Ayurvedic Specialist Health Consultation
This consultation is ideal for people looking to enhance their health by incorporating Ayurveda into their lifestyle and for those with chronic conditions that require important lifestyle changes in order to heal.
AYURVEDIC THERAPY. Here’s what happens during your first consultation
Start using Ayurveda today to assist in prevention and/or with recurrent symptoms.
- Ayurveda Therapy first visit – face-to-face or via Skype.
- Patient’s self-evaluation (HIA form provided online or hard copy)
- Therapists Total Health Assessment
- 3.1 Assessment of patient history
- 3.2 Nutritional and dietary assessment
- 3.3 Lifestyle assessment
- 3.4 Pain assessment
- 3.5 Sleep assessment
- 3.6 Digestive, Toxicity and Illness assessment
- 3.7 Stress, memory assessment
- 3.8 Energy and virility assessment
- First visit evaluation and educate.
- Abridged Ayurveda Therapy visit notes for client/patient to take home
- HIA Ayurveda information sheet relevant and supporting the evaluation and education (point 4).
- Ayurvedic recommendations
- 7.1 Nutritional and dietary recommendations
- 7.2 Lifestyle recommendations
- 7.3 Therapy and treatment recommendations
- 7.4 Herbal medicine recommendations
- Further Ayurvedic resources.
Consultations ensure that our patients get quality healthcare outcomes and include
- Facilities that we practice from and consult with patients, are professional, private, indepenent, and clinically appropriate.
- Complete examination includes: Dosha (body-mind constitution), pulse examination, tongue assessment, lifestyle and diet analysis, personal and family history, systemic assessment that inlcudes all bodily systems (digestive, cardiovascular, nervous, uro-genital, musculo-skeletal, skin), mental health
- Lifestyle suggestions
- Ayurvedic nutrition, cooking and dietary advice
- Herbal medicine recommendations
- Recommendations regarding treatments suitable for your body type.
- Fair and Reasonable fees.
Shanti Gowans is a recognised provider with Medibank-Private and other health funds, and is the chief provider of Wellness Services at Health Institute Australia. She manages and supervises all other practitioners. As a provider registered under the relevant Australian and Queensland legislation, she is:
- Professionally qualified
- A member of a professional body recognised by Medibank
- Meets all of the standards, including applicable codes of conduct, set out by Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), the associated National Boards, the Private Health Insurance (Accreditation) Rules and Regulations and applicable peak bodies that govern and regulate standards
- Complies with Australian State laws relating to facilities in which treatment which is clinical in nature is provided, and has permission and approval to supply treatment she provides.
- Service integrity
- Maintains comprehensive and accurate records that comply with the applicable laws and professional standards, including, but not limited to privacy and health records management legislation (including the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988) and industry codes and standards relating to collecting, using and disclosing personal and sensitive information. Patient records identify the service provider, are in chronological order, made at the time of providing the service or as soon as practicable afterwards, clearly identify the patient and treatment provided, including but not limited to relevant medical history, presenting complaint, details of previous treatments and referrals; are a detailed, true and accurate reflection of all treatments/services/goods provided; are stored in a manner that allows for prompt retrieval; are written in English, in a format that is understandable by a third party; allows for continuity of care; identifies techniques used, body parts treated and methods applied, goods supplied, including dosage; patient records are retained for a minimum of 7 years from the date of the relevant service provided to a Medibank member.
- Billing integrity, with a current Medibank provider registration number for the location of private practice; receipts are issued in sequential order, with a separate invoice/receipt number for each date for service that bears the providers official stamp, and itemised in full for all treatments provided on the relevant date of service and clearly states the date of payment, the payment status; details the patient’s name, address and other relevant identifying details and is signed by the authorised representative.
Book a LIFESTYLE & DIETARY CONSULTATION with our qualified Ayurvedic doctor and practitioners:
Sonja Stauder, B.A., Adv.Dip.Ayur, Adv.Dip.Yoga
Hilary Sullivan, Grad Dip Ed., B.A. Adv Dip Yoga, DIp. Ayur. Cert IV TAE
Principal Consultant: Shanti Gowans
- Patient consultation, OPD and resident
- treatment monitoring and supervision
- making diet and lifestyle management programs
- conducting Ayurvedic and detox health retreats
- health literature
- conducting health talks, workshops and lectures
- corporate health management workshops
- Medicine inventory and management
- residentship and treatment monitoring
- therapist and practitioner training and groomiong
Student Clinic supervised by Hilary Sullivan
Consultation Fees: Must be paid upon booking appointment
Lifestyle and dietary consultation | $150/hour |
Concession for current members Shanti Yoga •SYTA •AAPA • Pensioners and Students |
$ 99/hour |
Follow up consultation | $66 |
Concession | $50 |
Telephone consultations available upon request, also via Skype.
Medibank Private and other Health fund rebates available.
Call (07) 5531-0511
What would you like us to assist you with? Please list symptoms you would like to address in order of their severity.
DOWNLOAD: Know your body type. Click here to begin your questionnaire.