Ayurvedic Treatments Pricing
Treatments available at Shanti Yoga Southport Cente and Nirvana Wellbeing Retreat
CONSULTATION / TREATMENT | Duration | Price @ Southport | Price @ Nirvana |
Ayurvedic dietary and lifestyle consultation | 90mins | $150.00 | $150.00 |
Abhyanga | 55 mins | $90.00 | $150.00 |
Padabhyanga | 25 mins | $70.00 | $150.00 |
Katibasti | 45 mins | $90.00 | $150.00 |
Shirodhara | 45 mins | $150.00 | $195.00 |
Infrared dry steam treatment | 20 mins | not available | $95.00 |
Abhyanga is the Ayurvedic relaxation whole body oil massage. It is personalised for an individual's constitution and body type, and usually performed with a light touch, and long strokes on a massage table.
Body types refers to the inherent power of nature operating within us, derived from the essential universal principle. The elemental combination of earth, water, fire, air and space in an individual's body is known as dosha.
A broad understanding of body types might be:
Padabyhanga is the Ayurvedic foot massage.
Kati Basti is an oil pooling treatment for the lower back. It is usually conducted with the individual lying on their tummy It is helpful for chronic lower back pain and sciatica.
Shirodhara is the continuous pouring of oil to the forehead. It is helpful for insomnia, stress, and headaches.
The infrared dry steam treatment is a weight loss treatment. It removes toxins from the body by sweating them out. It needs supervision, to avoid dehydration.
An Ayurvedic dietary and lifestyle consultation is a consultation about an individual's health. The consultant will go through your health history with you, and start helping you with your current health concerns. To this end, you will be provided with individualised daily regimens, for body, mind and spirit. This could include meditation, yoga, nutritional principles and dietary guidelines, herbs, mineral substances, aromas, and treatments. The basis of all treatments in the Ayurvedic system is to balance the life energies within us.
Ayurveda is often referred to as the science of life.
It is a system of achieving and maintaining health that was established by the same great sages who produced India's original system of meditation and yoga, which has evolved continuously for some 3000-5000 years.The art of restoring and preserving wholeness for a healthy mind-body is central to Ayurvedic medicine. This appeals to people who find themselves attracted to holistic or alternative therapies and natural approaches to maintaining health and vitality.
The object of Ayurveda is to alleviate suffering, and to preserve the health of the healthy and heal the diseases of the diseased. It represents an indisputable and dynamic model for those of us in search of an integrated and practical system of health care.
Body types refers to the inherent power of nature operating within us, derived from the essential universal principle. The elemental combination of earth, water, fire, air and space in an individual's body is known as dosha.
A broad understanding of body types might be:
• a windy body (vata dosha, that which moves things. It governs catabolism)
• a fiery body (pitta dosha, that which digests things. It governs metabolism)
• an earth-water body (kapha dosha, that which holds things together. It governs anabolism)
• a fiery body (pitta dosha, that which digests things. It governs metabolism)
• an earth-water body (kapha dosha, that which holds things together. It governs anabolism)
Padabyhanga is the Ayurvedic foot massage.
Kati Basti is an oil pooling treatment for the lower back. It is usually conducted with the individual lying on their tummy It is helpful for chronic lower back pain and sciatica.
Shirodhara is the continuous pouring of oil to the forehead. It is helpful for insomnia, stress, and headaches.
The infrared dry steam treatment is a weight loss treatment. It removes toxins from the body by sweating them out. It needs supervision, to avoid dehydration.
An Ayurvedic dietary and lifestyle consultation is a consultation about an individual's health. The consultant will go through your health history with you, and start helping you with your current health concerns. To this end, you will be provided with individualised daily regimens, for body, mind and spirit. This could include meditation, yoga, nutritional principles and dietary guidelines, herbs, mineral substances, aromas, and treatments. The basis of all treatments in the Ayurvedic system is to balance the life energies within us.
Ayurveda is often referred to as the science of life.
It is a system of achieving and maintaining health that was established by the same great sages who produced India's original system of meditation and yoga, which has evolved continuously for some 3000-5000 years.The art of restoring and preserving wholeness for a healthy mind-body is central to Ayurvedic medicine. This appeals to people who find themselves attracted to holistic or alternative therapies and natural approaches to maintaining health and vitality.
The object of Ayurveda is to alleviate suffering, and to preserve the health of the healthy and heal the diseases of the diseased. It represents an indisputable and dynamic model for those of us in search of an integrated and practical system of health care.
Ayurvedic Practitioners are extensively trained in the use of diet, yoga, meditation, and a vast nature-based pharmacopeia to assist each individual in achieving and maintaining mental, physical, and spiritual balance.
Consultations with an Ayurvedic practitioner may include:
• Health education
• Dietary changes based on your body type
• Eating plans for specific ailments and allergies
• Recommendations about Ayurvedic Medicines and Treatments
Consultations with an Ayurvedic practitioner may include:
• Health education
• Dietary changes based on your body type
• Eating plans for specific ailments and allergies
• Recommendations about Ayurvedic Medicines and Treatments

Ayurvedic Treatments Pricing
For Southport and Nirvana Wellbeing Centre
Ayurvedic dietary and lifestyle consultation 90mins
@ Southport $150.00
@ Nirvana $150.00
Abhyanga 55 mins
@ Southport $70.00
@ Nirvana $150.00
Padabhyanga 25 mins
@ Southport $70.00
@ Nirvana $150.00
Katibasti 45 mins
@ Southport $90.00
@ Nirvana $150.00
Shirodhara 45 mins
@ Southport $150.00
@ Nirvana $195.00
Infrared dry steam treatment 20 mins
not available @ Southport
@ Nirvana $95.00
@ Southport $150.00
@ Nirvana $150.00
Abhyanga 55 mins
@ Southport $70.00
@ Nirvana $150.00
Padabhyanga 25 mins
@ Southport $70.00
@ Nirvana $150.00
Katibasti 45 mins
@ Southport $90.00
@ Nirvana $150.00
Shirodhara 45 mins
@ Southport $150.00
@ Nirvana $195.00
Infrared dry steam treatment 20 mins
not available @ Southport
@ Nirvana $95.00
Ayurvedic Practitioners are extensively trained in the use of diet, yoga, meditation, and a vast nature-based pharmacopeia to assist each individual in achieving and maintaining mental, physical, and spiritual balance. Consultations with an Ayurvedic practitioner may include:
• Health education
• Dietary changes based on your body type
• Eating plans for specific ailments and allergies
• Recommendations about Ayurvedic Medicines and Treatments
• Health education
• Dietary changes based on your body type
• Eating plans for specific ailments and allergies
• Recommendations about Ayurvedic Medicines and Treatments

Ayurvedic principles helps you create harmony in the body, mind and spirit, thereby prolonging life and eliminating the causes of disease and dysfunction
The microcosm and macrocosm reflect each other
Every cause has an effect…and every effect has a cause
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Like increases like
A quality is decreased by its opposite quality
There is no pain in the body without vata,
no inflammation in the body without pitta
and no oedema in the body without kapha
Balance and health for each individual is unique
one size/treatment/medicine/regime etc. does not fit all.
Every cause has an effect…and every effect has a cause
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Like increases like
A quality is decreased by its opposite quality
There is no pain in the body without vata,
no inflammation in the body without pitta
and no oedema in the body without kapha
Balance and health for each individual is unique
one size/treatment/medicine/regime etc. does not fit all.